Sunday, August 10, 2008


Here a photo from a shoot I did with my lovely friend Kelly and her amazing horse Schug. I feel photo happy. I need to take more photographs.
I need to start thinking about my senior thesis. I was thinking of basing it off of the Trash the Dress day and gather a group of willing people to put on their old dresses that have no meaning anymore and run around trashing them. My other option is children's photography and I know alot people with kids. I also know someone who is pregnant and would not mind being photographed. I really do need to make up my mind though, come September 4th I am going to be slammed with that question. I need it to take the entire year.
I have also decided that digital photography isn't so bad. Now that I have my awesome lens and flash, I am set! (kinda) I wish I had more awesome lenses and flashes. Gotta keep chugging along!
I am watching the Olympics, I love them. I wish I had gotten into the olympics as a kid and become something in that directions, how cool would that be? I think I'd try to be a Gymnast. The power to flip in the air seems pretty awesome.
Once again it is pouring rain.... what a crazy day of thunder, lightning, and heavy rain...
My mind is all over the place right now. My apologies.