I have some pretty wicked friends man. They do the coolest stuff for me. Thank God for them!
Here is Kelly and Schug! This is round one of Kelly's TTD shoots. I love them allllll. We ran every where on her farm and it rocked. I am super lucky that I have a great friend who's family owns a farm and has her own horse. I am paying her back with a bottle of Jerry Garcia wine later, haha. So far this Senior Theisis has been going pretty well. I won't count my chickens before they hatch though. I do need more models! I only have about 5 so far, I need to ask this other girl I know, she'll probably say yes so thats 6, I'd love more. Someone? Anyone? I think I may put a sign up at school asking if anyone wants to run around philly with me. We shall see.
My weekend wasn't bad. I need to read, I am reading Persopolis for Middle Eastern Art. I know that was made into a movie, I saw snips of it here and there, it should be an interesting read. I will let you know.
That's all! Photo On!
Cara Melihat Password WiFi di HP
3 years ago
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