Sunday, February 22, 2009

What else is there?

I haven't been updating this blog at all. I guess I've sort of given up on it. I thought about just deleting the silly thing, but if I let it live the internet will just swallow it up at some point.
The thing I began to think about when I realized my lack of updates was how much I used to love to write. When I was 13 yrs old I wrote ALOT. I wrote tons of fictional stories. I was a good writer. For some reason recently I feel like a pretty shitty writer. I know how to write. I have plenty of A papers and I used to have amazing starts to ficitonal stories. It's sad to feel as if I've somehow lost that ability. I guess I could say it is lack of practice and as I write this I just began to write a story I've been thinking about lately. I should get back into writing daily. Perhaps it will help clear my head on those crazy days everyone has.
I also have not been writing in my blog alot because most of what I'd end up writing is complaints. These I'd rather keep to myself as I am sure most would agree. No one wants to hear me complain about school.
So, as I write this, watching the Oscar's, ignoring my Psychology homework, and wishing that my luck would change(and my writing too), I feel that this is my way of saying goodbye to this blog. Maybe some day I will return, but I'll probably just start a new one, or revive this one after deleting it. Who knows. But this is the end of my blog. As silly as it is for me to say that.
Here's to hope.


cola said...

Where is the lovely Kat and her commentary on life? I miss this blog.... :(