Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Don't jump too soon.

I let me friend with the English major read my paper for my Media class. He agreed with my teacher, I suck. Oh well, you can't win them all I guess...My friend helped though(no he didn't write the paper, I still have to do that...) He did give me some good feed back though. He really broke it down and explained some ways at which I could go about attacking the paper.
One problem was my friend sees it from a different angle than my teacher. He wants me to open with a thesis statement. My teacher wants an anecdote. Hmm. Where's the middle ground here?
Maybe I just need a different idea. Maybe I should get a new insight. My stomach is in knots over writing. Hopefully my friend with the English major can sort of guide me out of my rut. He could well be my knight in shining armor when it comes to saving me from this class. Who knows.
What I notice when I get down to writing for my Media class is how much I tense up. I think because I get so tense I freeze and my mind runs blank. I'm fizooked then. I don't know. I should meditate before I write for this class. Or maybe my teacher shouldn't be so scary sometimes. I doubt that will ever happen, but a girl can dream.
At least I have next week to look forward to. I can't wait to go on our long road trip. Finally get away...
Oh! I can't forget about seeing Twilight tomorrow. Eep! I am so excited. I have almost completed a 500 page book in four days. I'm pretty proud of myself. It's just too good.
Speaking of vampires...I had a funny thought today. After reading these books and seeing these movies, I wonder if people's attitude toward pale people(like myself) will change? I know it sounds silly, but if being pale with big hazel/amber eyes makes some of us look like vampires, I'm all for it. Besides, it's about friggin' time people stopped obsessing over being tan. You get skin cancer from that. Ew.
Dare to be pale.