Wednesday, November 19, 2008


I am updating alot today. Things will be quite hectic the next few days before I leave, so I guess I should write and get it all out of the way.

This morning I had another crit for Senior Photography. It went well. I keep thanking my lucky stars that I have finally reached a point in my photographic career where people actually enjoy my work. The past couple of years have been strange. I've shed alot of tears and blood to get to this point. I know it's not over, school is only half over, but the semester is running out.
Now I have Senior Reviews on Dec. 2 A small panel of photo teachers will sit in a room with just me and observe my work. I'm nervous but not. I've been working pretty hard. I've shot over 2000 photographs. I've printed about 20 of them. All I have to do now is write my thesis statement. I don't know where to begin...
My teacher wants me to begin looking into the women of mythology. He related my work today to Persephone and Gia. He says my work looks like something spiritual, communing with nature. Hm. I've always loved mythology. I am very spiritual. I just don't know what exactly I am going for in my photos. I see something that sets my heart moving at a rapid pace and my brain starts running through all the ways to set up the composition. I click and the image pops up on the back of my 450 D. I take between 300-400 images per girl. I edit them down to those that make me the happiest. Then I edit them to look how I'd like. The end. If there is something subconsciously working here, I haven't realized it yet. I'll be happy when I do. Just like my epiphany tonight concerning other things, maybe as I sleep on it(despite my constant nightmares) I'll figure it out.
I know there is something more there than just the surface appearance of my photographs. I know there is specificlly a reason the shot is the way it is. I just haven't fond the reasoning yet. I should do a little more soul searching.
And if were not for my boyfriend, I would never have gotten to this point in my life. Now I just need him to help get to the meaning of it all. Hah.