Sunday, November 23, 2008

I need an insight, could I borrow yours?

There are several things I'd like to talk about in this blog entry. Several things I've done this weekend, several things that are happening, and several things I'm worried about.
But first I'd just like to say that the top photo is from my shoot today with Christy at another farm. We went out in the paddock(in the cold...) and hung with some mares. I want to buy one. Her name was Mary(my gmom's name was Marie, Muh-Ree) so I felt kind of connected to that horse. Mary was particularly fond of me too. She kept resting her nose on my shoulder and nudging me for attention or food, but still. She was this beautiful wild horse. Apparently all the mares were kind of unbroken. I've never wanted a horse to necessarily ride. I've always looked at it as a companion. I saw this video once of a man in India who had this crazy relationship with his Arabians. They loved him so much, he was one of the herd. I'd like THAT relationship with my horse more than rider and horse. That's kind of why I have alot of respect for my friends who own horses. Their relationships are more about companionship and trust between them and their horse than anything else. Hopefully some day my dream will come true and I can afford a farm with horses. My flash didn't work during our photoshoot, but I did get a good amount of nice shots to work with. It was just tooooo cold outside. My hands were getting numb and it was becoming increasingly difficult to change settings on my camera.
Christy was my last TTD shoot for the semester. Dec. 2 is my senior review. I'm prepared with work, but I am not so mentally. I'm nervous about having other teachers look at my stuff and wonder why. I still need to write my thesis statement. I've been thinking but nothing really fits what I am doing. I guess while I am away I'll have to do some serious meditating on it...
All together different...I saw "Twilight" the other night. Ick. I'm sure if I was 17 yrs old, I would have loved it. I would have drooled more over Rob Pattinson. I'm sure there'd be some hope in my heart about being Bella some day, but I am not 17. I think Rob Pattinson is a handsome guy, but he didn't make me head over heels for this movie. The book is the way to go.
As a photographer I look at movies differently than others. A feel a good movie is frame after frame of beautiful, inpsiring photographs. At any point in the movie you can remove one still from it and that still will explain everything that is happening before, at the time, and after. The composition is perfect, the colors, the lighting. A good actor doesn't need to speak to be a good actor. It's all about posture and facial expressions for me. Body language says more than words. The whole point of this book is the tension between our two main characers Bella and Edward. That's what has made this book so popular. The sexual tension between two teenagers and the craving for seducation from a vampire. Hey, I'm sorry, but that's just what makes this book so damn addictive. Sexual tension was nooo where to be found in this movie. NO WHERE. The only sexual tension comes from the 17 and under auidence who wishes they could jump Rob Pattinson's bones. The actress who plays Bella and Rob have no chemistry. She fits the part, don't get me wrong. She's beautiful, pale, dark brown, mysterious. Yet there were absoultely no sparks. I want to redo this movie. I'll make it darker. I'll make it sexier. I'll actually stick to the book. Someone hire me. I'm so disappointed. This is not anything like harry potter. At least the movies were fantastic.
(I told you this was a long post...)
I can't wait for my trip. I need to get the hell out of here for a bit. I think this place is making me slightly crazy. Or maybe it's just this semester? Either way, I'll be glad when my love and I are hanging with Coal and Charlie. I can't wait to see the kids.
I have to e-mail my teacher my 'insight'. I need to write another paper. I'm probably writing on the farm I was at today. It was the farm of a pack rat. Rusted tractors, old, broken down cars, lots of tires and buckets. Oh, TONS of farm cats running around. I just don't know what angle I want to go at this. Coming up with something 'insightful' apparently isn't as easy as I thought it was. I have insights. I think all the time. I think so much I get annoyed...
I have too much to do... I'm done. You won't be hearing from me for a while.


Unknown said...

I also really want a horse farm someday!!