Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Truck Behavior and Other Fun Things Found On A 20 hr Car Ride

Well, I am here, 20 hours from home. For the first time in my 22 years I am not going to be with MY family on Turkey Day. I've decided to spend it with my love's family instead. Except they live in Minnesota, and with plane tickets for two costing up to 400 dollars per person we decided to drive alllllllllll night. I bet you are jealous.
I've always dreamt of driving some place this far. I also thought it would be a drive to Florida. Hmm... got the wrong memo I guess?
Nah, just kidding. I am very happy to be here. It's going to be a blast. I needed to get away.
I'll have lots of pictures by the end of my stay.
But I wanted to talk about the cool things I learned on the way here.
I learned that PA is probably the widest state and driving through it is a bitch.
I learned that Pittsburgh is actually alot further than I originally thought.
I learned that going through tunnels makes me sort of anxious.
I learned how to drive my boyfriend's truck.
I also learned the behaviors of trailer trucks. I think there should be a study done of truck habits. I'd like to head the research. Especially since I've been on the road all night and day with them. I know them pretty well by now.
Trucks like to sleep on the shoulders of highways. They use their reflective shells to indicate to passing cars and other trucks that they are there. Trucks enjoy the game of 'drafting'. This is when trucks alternate one in front of the other helping to save gas. Cool huh? I think so.
Trucks also don't understand how scary they are to drive next to. They use the art of intimidation to frighten other cars and trucks as far away from them as possible. It works.
Well, I will update more later.
Enjoy your turkey!


Unknown said...

i also don't like tunnels.

And I am enjoying the selections from the Kill Bill soundtrack that come on when I am on your blog

ahhhhhhhhh I love it