Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Dear Santa.

I seriously haven't gotten into the spirit of the holidays this year, well, not so far. But Christmas is only 2 weeks away and I don't feel like I'm ready. Normally, like I said before, B101 is blaring on my radio and I've heard Mariah Carey's "All I want for Christmas" about a billion times over. Not this year. I feel disconnected from the whole holiday thingie. This makes me sad. I feel like I am missing a key component here. Is it the weird weather changes? The odd semester that is almost done??? Or is it me? It's sort of frustrating.
My Xmas tree is still not up. There are some lights strangling the bushes outside, but not much else. By the looks of the street, I may not be the only one missing the cheer. There aren't alot of decorations creating false day outside. I thought after Obama won the election we would suddenly burst from our sad little cages and feel reassured and ready for change?? Now it looks as if the recission is doing much more than ruin the economy, it's ruining people's love of the holidays.
I should bake cookies or make gingerbread. Maybe make gifts or push for the Xmas tree. I should be excited because Coal and family will be here in 11 days. It'll be super fun. I should be happy that the semester is closing and I can put these weird past couple of months behind me.
I hope.
But in the mean time...

Dear Santa,
I've tried to be a good person this year. I really have. All I want for Christmas is the holiday spirit at the least. If you could bring that in a box wrapped in shiny paper with a big bow I'd be very appreciative.